Comodo 是我一直使用開的防火牆軟件,今天有新版推出。
What's new in 5.3.174622.1216?
Below are *some* of the enhancements. The fixes included in the release notes are not the full list of the fixes.
NEW! Full IPv6 Support in firewall
NEW! Rootkit Scanner - Hidden registry keys, files and folders are detected
NEW! 5 skins from COMODO, including a native windows skin
IMPROVED! AV database updating - Virus DB size reduced significantly
IMPROVED! AV engine - fixed some bugs and added new detection mechanisms
IMPROVED! Cloud scanning is enabled by default in manual scanner now
IMPROVED! Installer - It now enables/disables windows firewall/defender during the installation/uninstallation
FIXED! CIS causes massive amount of entries in windows security audit logs
FIXED! AV does not validate the revocation status of the certificates in signed binaries
FIXED! BSOD in cmderd.sys
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Q - Which link should I use to download?
A - If you are not one of the users of CIS Pro/Plus/Complete, you should use CIS Premium links.
Q - I am an existing user using a paid version of CIS Plus/Pro/Complete) What should I do?
A - We recommend you to wait for the updates next week. Only the setups are released as of today(12/29/2010). However, if you would like to reinstall, we have included the links below for our reference.
Q - I am an existing user using a previous version of CIS. Do I receive the updates now?
A - Only the setups are released as of today(12/29/2010). We will be issuing the updates next week.
Q - Should I uninstall CIS 5.0 and reinstall CIS 5.3?
A - You dont have to. You will get the update next week anyway. But if you dont want to wait, you can.
Q - I dont want to wait for updates. Do you recommend me to uninstall CIS 5.0 and install CIS 5.3 if I have my own security configurations with a lot of changes to the defaults?
A - No. It is better to wait for updates if you want to keep your existing settings. Although importing your previous security configuration might keep your existing settings, you might miss new modifications to the default policies. Are there big security risks if i do so though? No.
Q - Does CIS 5.3 include DACS?
A - No. It is still being developed.
Q - I had reported an issue before. Is it addressed in this release?
A - We are grateful to you for helping us by reporting the issues you observed. Please be certain that all of the issues reported in the forum are in our formal release process. It *might* have been addressed in this release. But if it didnt, it will definetly be in the future releases.
Q - Are the versions downloaded from the web site the same as these?
A - Yes they are.
Q - Why doesnt the web page include the latest version infromation yet?
A - It is being updated and be online soon. Because you are a comodo family member, we would like to give you this release as a new year's gift.
Download Locations:
CIS Premium:
64 Bit Operating Systems:
Size: 36M ( 37477704 )
MD5: ea17f83366da89443b93d3be50677a5d
SHA1: 08e1580ec6c1ec4b2204c9ebe5d39a4360c21610
32 Bit Operating Systems:
Size: 34M ( 35188552 )
MD5: 2b9e02d280436011429bceb5c0a1953c
SHA1: 8f03397c1e0567317c1015dd8bf966e3c147193d
Microsoft Security Essential 2.0 正式推出
微軟正式推出了 Microsoft Security Essential 2.0,MSE 第一版的口碑只是一般,但看過網上一些對 2.0 的前期測試有不錯的評價,說是加強了 IE 及 Windows 內建防火牆與 MSE 的整合,使他對用戶上網時有更強的防護,據聞新版也加入了類似智能行為防護的功能。
金山毒霸在一些測試報告上的病毒偵測成績並不出色,但它的效能及資源佔用表現上卻十好,那正好配合防護力較強的 Comodo 防火牆使用。
安娤毒霸時會警告軟件只適用於大陸及簡體視窗,但我安在繁體視窗上也沒有大問題,只是其中一個非主要功能頁面出現亂碼,而且也可以用 Applocale 解決。使用上暫時沒有發現問題,也真的很省資源,希望它能加強查殺能力,說不定未來主機也會轉用它。
金山毒霸在一些測試報告上的病毒偵測成績並不出色,但它的效能及資源佔用表現上卻十好,那正好配合防護力較強的 Comodo 防火牆使用。
安娤毒霸時會警告軟件只適用於大陸及簡體視窗,但我安在繁體視窗上也沒有大問題,只是其中一個非主要功能頁面出現亂碼,而且也可以用 Applocale 解決。使用上暫時沒有發現問題,也真的很省資源,希望它能加強查殺能力,說不定未來主機也會轉用它。
查殺功能 |
不同的監控功能 |
有增值的清理功能 |
其它增值功能 |
兩個加強 Firefox 瀏覽安全的附加元件
LinkExtend 是能夠用六種網站檢查引擎來過濾網站安全的 Firefox 擴充套件,讓你在下載檔案前能預先知道該網站的安全指數,再來考慮要不要從該網站下載檔案。
之前也介紹過 VirusTotal 網站,該網站內建了超過四十種掃毒引擎,只要上傳一個檔案(最大20MB)就可以檢查是否帶有病毒。如果你想在下載前就先讓VirusTotal來檢查的話,可以安裝VirusTotal所提供的 Firefox 檔案掃描擴充套件–VTZilla。
LinkExtend 是能夠用六種網站檢查引擎來過濾網站安全的 Firefox 擴充套件,讓你在下載檔案前能預先知道該網站的安全指數,再來考慮要不要從該網站下載檔案。
![]() |
搜尋結果會附加網站的安全指數 |
之前也介紹過 VirusTotal 網站,該網站內建了超過四十種掃毒引擎,只要上傳一個檔案(最大20MB)就可以檢查是否帶有病毒。如果你想在下載前就先讓VirusTotal來檢查的話,可以安裝VirusTotal所提供的 Firefox 檔案掃描擴充套件–VTZilla。
![]() |
下載視窗會顯示 VirusTotal 的掃描選項 |
SUPERAntiSpyware 綠色版
SUPERAntiSpyware 是一個類似 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 的反間碟軟件,網上有測試它在惡意程式的偵測率比MBAM 低,但它能掃描到一些 MBAM 遺漏了的惡意程式,因此可以配合使用,而且 SUPERAntiSpware 更有綠色免安娤版,免費版提供的功能也比 MBAM 免費版多,可惜一點的是它沒有繁體中文,用簡體又會出現亂碼的情形。
* Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware and Remove Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers, Parasites, Rootkits, Rogue Security Products and many other types of threats.
* Light on System Resources and won't slow down your computer like many other anti-spyware products. Won't conflict with your existing anti-spyware or anti-virus solution!
* Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing and more with our unique Repair System!
* Real-Time Blocking of threats! Prevent potentially harmful software from installing or re-installing!
* First Chance Prevention examines over 50 critical points of your system each time your system starts up and shuts down to eliminate threats before they have a chance to infect and infiltrate your system.
* Schedule either Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly to ensure your computer is free from harmful software. Remove spyware automatically.
* Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware and Remove Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers, Parasites, Rootkits, Rogue Security Products and many other types of threats.
* Light on System Resources and won't slow down your computer like many other anti-spyware products. Won't conflict with your existing anti-spyware or anti-virus solution!
* Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing and more with our unique Repair System!
* Real-Time Blocking of threats! Prevent potentially harmful software from installing or re-installing!
* First Chance Prevention examines over 50 critical points of your system each time your system starts up and shuts down to eliminate threats before they have a chance to infect and infiltrate your system.
* Schedule either Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly to ensure your computer is free from harmful software. Remove spyware automatically.
惡意網站防護的 DNS 服務測試
之前介紹了幾個有惡意網站防護的 DNS 服務,自己試用了及做了一些測試,ClearCloud 似乎擋惡意網站效果最好,但它錯誤擋了不少正當的中文網站,連可牛的網站及一些防毒論壇也擋,Comodo 效果最差,暫時 Norton DNS 在阻擋惡意網站及誤差方面有最好的平衡。
Sites | ClearCloud | Comodo | Norton |
From MDL (malware sites) | ||| | Blocked | failed | Blocked | | Blocked | failed | failed | | Blocked | Blocked | Blocked | | Blocked | failed | Blocked | | Blocked | failed | failed |
Norton DNS 惡意網站防護
原來其它公司也正在磨拳擦掌推出或加入防護惡意網站的 DNS 服務,Norton DNS 已推出公測,若要使用 Norton DNS,只要更改電腦及 router 到以下的 DNS 伺服器位址便可。
Previx SafeOnline 上網安全軟件 (更新至
如之前的 KeyScramber,Previx SafeOnline 能加強上網隠私的安全,能防止截屏、防截鍵盤記錄、掃描及移除惡意病毒、及防護惡意程式。它最大好處是易用,不如 HIPS 般要用者正確回應警告才能防護電腦,而且它不用特徵碼而是用雲安全技術,所以和其它防毒軟件沖突的機會很少。
現在 Prevx 和 Facebook 合作提供免費 SafeOnline 特別版(永久免費,但是沒有了移除病毒及即時防護惡意程式的功能)。這圖可以看到惡意程式移除及即時防護要購買才可啟動 (它把我的 AntiTest 測試程式當是惡意移式)
進入 SafeOnline 功能設定,在這裡可以加入要受特別隠私保護的網址及設定安全的強度
To protect information being stolen while browsing on an unknowingly infected PC, we developed Prevx SafeOnline. Prevx SafeOnline will protect your information entered in or displayed by your Internet browser, by locking down the operating system and services to ensure that only "known good" processes and services are allowed to run.
有 Facebook 帳號的在以下連結登入後就能下載
沒有 Facebook 帳號的也可從以下連結下載
1. 它並不能通過 AntiTest Keylogging 的測試,所以建議配合 KeyScrambler 一同使用。
2. 發現它跟 Comodo Internet Security 衝突使 Comodo Sandbox 不能正常工作。
更新至 (13/9/2010)
更新至 (10/5/2010)
現在 Prevx 和 Facebook 合作提供免費 SafeOnline 特別版(永久免費,但是沒有了移除病毒及即時防護惡意程式的功能)。這圖可以看到惡意程式移除及即時防護要購買才可啟動 (它把我的 AntiTest 測試程式當是惡意移式)
進入 SafeOnline 功能設定,在這裡可以加入要受特別隠私保護的網址及設定安全的強度
To protect information being stolen while browsing on an unknowingly infected PC, we developed Prevx SafeOnline. Prevx SafeOnline will protect your information entered in or displayed by your Internet browser, by locking down the operating system and services to ensure that only "known good" processes and services are allowed to run.
有 Facebook 帳號的在以下連結登入後就能下載
沒有 Facebook 帳號的也可從以下連結下載
1. 它並不能通過 AntiTest Keylogging 的測試,所以建議配合 KeyScrambler 一同使用。
2. 發現它跟 Comodo Internet Security 衝突使 Comodo Sandbox 不能正常工作。
更新至 (13/9/2010)
更新至 (10/5/2010)
ClearCloud DNS 惡意網站防護
之前文章從最根本開始做網路防護介紹了幾個免費的 DNS 服務,但都不能防護惡意網站,或是要付費才可以,但這個由 Sunbelt Software 推出的 ClearCloud DNS 就免費提供阻擋惡意網站的功能,網上有測試顯示暫時它能識別的惡意網站只是一般,可能現在還是測試版,不過旣然不佔用任何電腦資源,也能阻擋部份惡意網站,在使用上也沒有發覺延誤,所以自己也就即時採用了,希望正式推出時它能有所增強。
要使用 ClearCloud DNS,只要更改電腦及 router 到以下的 DNS 伺服器位址便可。
要使用 ClearCloud DNS,只要更改電腦及 router 到以下的 DNS 伺服器位址便可。
Comodo Internet Security 2011 (ver. 5) 正式推出
1. 防火牆加入雲測毒 (就算不安娤防毒模組也會檢測要執行的程式)
2. 加入行分析防護
3. 自動檢測不明程式,若在雲白名單(cloud white-listing)會自動把檔案加入本地白名單
4. Game Mode
5. 改善沙盤的兼容性
6. 加強除清毒功能
What's New In COMODO Internet Security 2011?
THANKS! COMODO would like to thank the beta testers whose feedback made this release possible!
NEW! Extended spyware scanner and improved malware cleaning
NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
NEW! Cloud Based Application White-listing
NEW! Game Mode
IMPROVED! Application Control
IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
IMPROVED! Application user interface
Cloud Based Infrastructure:
2011 family of products(Yes COMODO Firewall too!) are now armed with cloud based file rating technologies. The cloud computation, enabled by default, is used for a variety of purposes.(Do not be surprized if COMODO Firewall gives you a malware alert!!!).
With cloud computation;
Cloud based Whitelisting: Safe files and trusted vendors are now easily identified. The concept of “Trusted Publisher” is now cloud based.
Cloud based Anti virus: Malicious files are detected even if the users do not have an up-to-date antivirus product or an antivirus product at all.
Cloud Based Behaviour Analysis: Zero-day malware can be detected INSTANTLY by COMODO’s cloud based behavior analysis system CIMA(Comodo Instant Malware analysis).
Extended Spyware Scanning
COMODO’s vision and focus has been about “keeping a clean computer clean” from early days. Now that We have achieved that COMODO is focusing on “cleaning an already infected computer”. This is why we extended the spyware scanning in COMODO Internet Security 2011 and COMODO Antivirus 2011 and now include a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and computer disks for the signs of malware infection.
This new scanner is implemented to improve the detection and successful cleaning rate of already infected systems.
Game Mode
2011 family of products are now gamer friendly security applications. When they are put into the game mode, the operations that can interfere with users’ gaming experience such as alerts or resource intensive virus database updates, scheduled scans are suppressed.
Stronger and Smarter Application Control
2011 family of products have a highly smart application control mechanism which extends the functionality of the previous versions.
The new application control provides the users the ability to lockdown their computers such that only the known good applications can be executed.
The new sandbox introduces a new default application isolation level, partially limited, which improves the compatibility with many windows products.
Nowadays, a lot of malware come in other forms than standalone executables. For example, some come in the form of visual basic scripts while some come in the form of java binaries. When they come in such forms, they are executed by “interpreter” applications such as wscript.exe or java.exe etc.
2011 family of products can identify such applications heuristically and detect the real file behind the requests of “interpreters”.
1. 防火牆加入雲測毒 (就算不安娤防毒模組也會檢測要執行的程式)
2. 加入行分析防護
3. 自動檢測不明程式,若在雲白名單(cloud white-listing)會自動把檔案加入本地白名單
4. Game Mode
5. 改善沙盤的兼容性
6. 加強除清毒功能
What's New In COMODO Internet Security 2011?
THANKS! COMODO would like to thank the beta testers whose feedback made this release possible!
NEW! Extended spyware scanner and improved malware cleaning
NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
NEW! Cloud Based Application White-listing
NEW! Game Mode
IMPROVED! Application Control
IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
IMPROVED! Application user interface
Cloud Based Infrastructure:
2011 family of products(Yes COMODO Firewall too!) are now armed with cloud based file rating technologies. The cloud computation, enabled by default, is used for a variety of purposes.(Do not be surprized if COMODO Firewall gives you a malware alert!!!).
With cloud computation;
Cloud based Whitelisting: Safe files and trusted vendors are now easily identified. The concept of “Trusted Publisher” is now cloud based.
Cloud based Anti virus: Malicious files are detected even if the users do not have an up-to-date antivirus product or an antivirus product at all.
Cloud Based Behaviour Analysis: Zero-day malware can be detected INSTANTLY by COMODO’s cloud based behavior analysis system CIMA(Comodo Instant Malware analysis).
Extended Spyware Scanning
COMODO’s vision and focus has been about “keeping a clean computer clean” from early days. Now that We have achieved that COMODO is focusing on “cleaning an already infected computer”. This is why we extended the spyware scanning in COMODO Internet Security 2011 and COMODO Antivirus 2011 and now include a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and computer disks for the signs of malware infection.
This new scanner is implemented to improve the detection and successful cleaning rate of already infected systems.
Game Mode
2011 family of products are now gamer friendly security applications. When they are put into the game mode, the operations that can interfere with users’ gaming experience such as alerts or resource intensive virus database updates, scheduled scans are suppressed.
Stronger and Smarter Application Control
2011 family of products have a highly smart application control mechanism which extends the functionality of the previous versions.
The new application control provides the users the ability to lockdown their computers such that only the known good applications can be executed.
The new sandbox introduces a new default application isolation level, partially limited, which improves the compatibility with many windows products.
Nowadays, a lot of malware come in other forms than standalone executables. For example, some come in the form of visual basic scripts while some come in the form of java binaries. When they come in such forms, they are executed by “interpreter” applications such as wscript.exe or java.exe etc.
2011 family of products can identify such applications heuristically and detect the real file behind the requests of “interpreters”.
偽防毒軟件及刪除工具 Remove Fake Antivirus (更新到1.68)
Remove Fake Antivirus Free Download to Uninstall and Clean Rouge Fake Anti-Virus Program
更新到 ver. 1.63 (26 Apr 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.64 (30 Apr 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.65 (15 May 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.66 (24 Jun 2010) 能刪除更多偽防毒軟件
更新到 ver. 1.67 (21 Jul 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.68 (24 Aug 2010) 能刪除更多偽防毒軟件
- Security Tool
- My Security Shield
- Antivirus 7
- Antivirus GT
- Defense Center
- Protection Center
- Sysinternals Antivirus
- Security Master AV
- CleanUp Antivirus
- Security Toolbar
- Digital Protection
- XP Smart Security 2010
- Antivirus Suite
- Vista Security Tool 2010
- Total XP Security
- Security Central
- Security Antivirus
- Total PC Defender 2010
- Vista Antivirus Pro 2010
- Your PC Protector
- Vista Internet Security 2010
- XP Guardian
- Vista Guardian 2010
- Antivirus Soft
- XP Internet Security 2010
- Antivir 2010
- Live PC Care
- Malware Defense
- Internet Security 2010
- Desktop Defender 2010
- Antivirus Live
- Personal Security
- Cyber Security
- Alpha Antivirus
- Windows Enterprise Suite
- Security Center
- Control Center
- Braviax
- Windows Police Pro
- Antivirus Pro 2010
- PC Antispyware 2010
- FraudTool.MalwareProtector.d
- Green AV
- Windows Protection Suite
- Total Security 2009
- Windows System Suite
- Antivirus BEST
- System Security
- Personal Antivirus
- System Security 2009
- Malware Doctor
- Antivirus System Pro
- WinPC Defender
- Anti-Virus-1
- Spyware Guard 2008
- System Guard 2009
- Antivirus 2009
- Antivirus 2010
- Antivirus Pro 2009
- Antivirus 360
- MS Antispyware 2009
- IGuardPC or I Guard PC
- Additional Guard
更新到 ver. 1.63 (26 Apr 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.64 (30 Apr 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.65 (15 May 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.66 (24 Jun 2010) 能刪除更多偽防毒軟件
更新到 ver. 1.67 (21 Jul 2010)
更新到 ver. 1.68 (24 Aug 2010) 能刪除更多偽防毒軟件
除了防護能力,防護軟件對電腦效能的影响(卡唔卡機)也是很多人關心的問題,AV-Comparative 就做了一個相關的測試。
報告網頁 Performance Test Security Suites(August 2010)
測試結果總覽(注意: XP 與 Win7 會有不同,報告內有更詳細比較)
報告網頁 Performance Test Security Suites(August 2010)
“AV-Test”最新測試結果(測試平台:Windows 7)
"对于杀毒软件的测试评议,由于不同测试机构掌握的尺度不同,最终结果肯定也会不大一致。就像《苏三起解》中崇公道所说:“你说你公道,我说我公道;公道 不公道,自有天知道”。我在这里不是宣传“虚无主义”,而是说:各有各的道理,都具参考价值。换句常说的话就是:它评它的,仅供参考;你用你的,好用就行。...
“AV-Test”最新测试结果(测试平台:Windows 7):
"对于杀毒软件的测试评议,由于不同测试机构掌握的尺度不同,最终结果肯定也会不大一致。就像《苏三起解》中崇公道所说:“你说你公道,我说我公道;公道 不公道,自有天知道”。我在这里不是宣传“虚无主义”,而是说:各有各的道理,都具参考价值。换句常说的话就是:它评它的,仅供参考;你用你的,好用就行。...
“AV-Test”最新测试结果(测试平台:Windows 7):
产品 防护积分 修复积分 性能积分 综合得分 认证结果
Kaspersky 5.0 5.5 5.5 16.0 通过
Norton 5.5 5.0 5.5 16.0 通过
Panda 5.5 5.5 5.0 16.0 通过
F-Secure 5.0 5.0 5.5 15.5 通过
AVG 5.5 4.0 5.0 14.5 通过
BitDefender 4.5 4.0 5.5 14.0 通过
MSE 4.0 4.5 5.5 14.0 通过
Avira 4.0 5.5 4.0 13.5 通过
Eset 3.5 5.0 5.0 13.5 通过
PC Tools 5.0 4.5 3.5 13.0 通过
Avast 3.5 4.0 5.0 12.5 通过
Webroot 3.5 4.5 4.0 12.0 通过
McAfee 5.0 2.0 3.5 10.5 未通过
Norman 2.0 4.5 3.5 10.0 未通过"
Comodo Internet Security 5 beta (更新至 5.0.158836.107)
Comodo 推出 CIS 5(或稱 CIS 2011)測試版,試用了一下,介面作出了較大改變,但主要操作方法沒有太大改變,舊用戶應該不難適應。
COMODO Internet Security 5.0.158836.1079 Released!
NEW! Heuristic command-line processing of certain applications: Non-PE executables e.g. Scripts,
Java apps, MS installer files, are now handled by Defense+.
NEW! Ability to add a file to trusted files from sandbox notification
NEW! Ability to clear logs reintroduced
FIXED! After initial install, windows hangs in welcome screen
FIXED! Firewall does not filter windows broadband compatible modems
FIXED! BSOD in windows 7 while uninstalling CIS
FIXED! Sandbox alert shows XML code instead of proper dialog
FIXED! AV crashes while doing spyware scanning
FIXED! Isolated application does not appear in unrecongnized files list
FIXED! cfp.exe crashes randomly
There are many other fixes in this version that i havent included here.
COMODO Internet Security 5.0.158836.1079 Released!
NEW! Heuristic command-line processing of certain applications: Non-PE executables e.g. Scripts,
Java apps, MS installer files, are now handled by Defense+.
NEW! Ability to add a file to trusted files from sandbox notification
NEW! Ability to clear logs reintroduced
FIXED! After initial install, windows hangs in welcome screen
FIXED! Firewall does not filter windows broadband compatible modems
FIXED! BSOD in windows 7 while uninstalling CIS
FIXED! Sandbox alert shows XML code instead of proper dialog
FIXED! AV crashes while doing spyware scanning
FIXED! Isolated application does not appear in unrecongnized files list
FIXED! cfp.exe crashes randomly
There are many other fixes in this version that i havent included here.
USBCleaner U盤病毒專殺 (更新)
USBCleaner 是一隻綠色的U盤病毒專殺工具,下載後直接執行便可。
U盤病毒又稱 Autorun 病毒,是通過 AutoRun.inf 文件使對方所有的硬盤完全共享或中木馬的病毒。U盤,移動硬盤,存儲卡等移動存儲設備的普及,U盤病毒也之泛濫起來。近日,國家計算機病毒處理中心布公告稱U盤已成為病毒和惡意木馬程序散播的主要途徑。
USBCleaner 是一種純綠色的輔助殺毒工具,支持簡體與繁體語言系,獨有的分類查殺引擎具有檢測查殺470餘種U盤病毒,U盤病毒廣譜掃描,U盤病毒免疫,修復顯示隱藏文件及系文件,安全卸載移動盤盤符等功能,全方位一體化修復殺除U盤病毒。同時 USBCleaner 能迅速對新出現的U盤病毒進行處理。
更新到 V6.0Build20100429 (2010年4月29日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100521 (2010年5月21日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100728 (2010年7月28日)
U盤病毒又稱 Autorun 病毒,是通過 AutoRun.inf 文件使對方所有的硬盤完全共享或中木馬的病毒。U盤,移動硬盤,存儲卡等移動存儲設備的普及,U盤病毒也之泛濫起來。近日,國家計算機病毒處理中心布公告稱U盤已成為病毒和惡意木馬程序散播的主要途徑。
USBCleaner 是一種純綠色的輔助殺毒工具,支持簡體與繁體語言系,獨有的分類查殺引擎具有檢測查殺470餘種U盤病毒,U盤病毒廣譜掃描,U盤病毒免疫,修復顯示隱藏文件及系文件,安全卸載移動盤盤符等功能,全方位一體化修復殺除U盤病毒。同時 USBCleaner 能迅速對新出現的U盤病毒進行處理。
更新到 V6.0Build20100429 (2010年4月29日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100521 (2010年5月21日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100728 (2010年7月28日)
Comodo Internet Security 5 beta 推出
Comodo 推出 CIS 5(或稱 CIS 2011)測試版,試用了一下,介面作出了較大改變,但主要操作方法沒有太大改變,舊用戶應該不難適應。
COMODO Internet Security 5.0.156985.1061 BETA Released
NEW! Application Whitelisting
CIS 5.x fills the missing links that its predecessors had in this area by providing a usable application white list control.
NEW! Spyware Scanner and improved malware cleaning
CIS 5.x again fulfills the missing features of its predecessors by providing a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and file system.
Note: We will be releasing the signatures for spyware scanning during the course of BETA testing. So you might not immeidately see this in action. i.e. next monday
NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
CIS 5.x has integrated the cloud based computation everywhere. From on-demand scanning to process execution control, it checks if the file is known in the cloud.
NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
Instant malware analysis has been introduced to CIS 5.x making detection of unknown malware possible! Any unknown file that is sandboxed and NOT observed by COMODO before is submitted to CAMAS and results are sent to the PC in 15 minutes after the upload process is done.
NEW! Game Mode
Now CIS has a game mode. Just before you start to play a game, you can switch to game mode and all the alerts will be suppressed. Virus database updates or schedules scans will also be postponed.
IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
Unlike CIS 4.x, CIS 5.x, by default, automatically runs every unknown executable as "Partially Limited", which is a new level introduced with CIS 5.x.
IMPROVED! A New User Interface!
You will be seeing a lot of suprises with the new user interface. It is friendlier, easier and prettier.
COMODO Internet Security 5.0.156985.1061 BETA Released
NEW! Application Whitelisting
CIS 5.x fills the missing links that its predecessors had in this area by providing a usable application white list control.
NEW! Spyware Scanner and improved malware cleaning
CIS 5.x again fulfills the missing features of its predecessors by providing a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and file system.
Note: We will be releasing the signatures for spyware scanning during the course of BETA testing. So you might not immeidately see this in action. i.e. next monday
NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
CIS 5.x has integrated the cloud based computation everywhere. From on-demand scanning to process execution control, it checks if the file is known in the cloud.
NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
Instant malware analysis has been introduced to CIS 5.x making detection of unknown malware possible! Any unknown file that is sandboxed and NOT observed by COMODO before is submitted to CAMAS and results are sent to the PC in 15 minutes after the upload process is done.
NEW! Game Mode
Now CIS has a game mode. Just before you start to play a game, you can switch to game mode and all the alerts will be suppressed. Virus database updates or schedules scans will also be postponed.
IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
Unlike CIS 4.x, CIS 5.x, by default, automatically runs every unknown executable as "Partially Limited", which is a new level introduced with CIS 5.x.
IMPROVED! A New User Interface!
You will be seeing a lot of suprises with the new user interface. It is friendlier, easier and prettier.
Norman Security Suite DnBNOR 4 年免費特別版
- Protection against new and unknown malware
- Block viruses from entering via email and IM
- Scanning scheduler
- Personal firewall
- Parental Control prevents access to inappropriate websites
- Time limit kids access to internet
Ad-Aware Free 防毒軟件
Ad-Aware 是出名的廣告程式移除軟件,現在它不單只偵測廣告程式,還包括了病毒及間諜程式的實時防護。
We have taken the security product millions of people know and trust one step further to give all users the power to protect themselves online. By combining Lavasoft's pioneer anti-spyware technology with traditional anti-virus protection, Ad-Aware Free now features complete malware protection, that won't slow your computer down!
Ad-Aware Free Internet Security features real-time protection, advanced genotype detection technology, rootkit protection, automatic updates, and much more — to ensure that you have the power to protect yourself online.
We have taken the security product millions of people know and trust one step further to give all users the power to protect themselves online. By combining Lavasoft's pioneer anti-spyware technology with traditional anti-virus protection, Ad-Aware Free now features complete malware protection, that won't slow your computer down!
Ad-Aware Free Internet Security features real-time protection, advanced genotype detection technology, rootkit protection, automatic updates, and much more — to ensure that you have the power to protect yourself online.
這是 BluePoint 建立的防護軟件測試的實時視頻網頁,正在測試的軟件有
Bluepoint security 2010
Comodo Internet Security 4.1
Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro
Norton Internet Security 2010
Previx 3.0
EmsiSoft Anti-Malware 5.0
The 70 Threat Challenge is a real-time/live broadcast of six operating systems, protected with six different antivirus products. Each system in the challenge is exposed to live & active malware websites from around the world to determine active prevention capabilities of each product tested. This challenge is designed to provide a close to real world scenario for these products. Most of the malware in this test is quite dangerous and should not be allowed to infect the operating system. In this professional lab scenario, there are no ramifications during a malware infection; however, on your computer this could be disastrous. This challenge provides a unique window into the world of antivirus effectiveness and the inner workings of malware.
Bluepoint security 2010
Comodo Internet Security 4.1
Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro
Norton Internet Security 2010
Previx 3.0
EmsiSoft Anti-Malware 5.0
The 70 Threat Challenge is a real-time/live broadcast of six operating systems, protected with six different antivirus products. Each system in the challenge is exposed to live & active malware websites from around the world to determine active prevention capabilities of each product tested. This challenge is designed to provide a close to real world scenario for these products. Most of the malware in this test is quite dangerous and should not be allowed to infect the operating system. In this professional lab scenario, there are no ramifications during a malware infection; however, on your computer this could be disastrous. This challenge provides a unique window into the world of antivirus effectiveness and the inner workings of malware.
Avast 5.0 更新至 5.0.594
- improved interaction with Windows System Restore; namely, avast now auto-repairs itself when it detects a corrupted VPS due to a System Restore (or other reasons)
- aswSP.sys: solved a minor stability issue
- solved a problem related to inserting of the license files
- added the activation code feature
- solved a problem when avast was progressively slowing down (especially in conjunction with the screensaver)
- performance improvements in the Behavior Shield
- avast Screen saver now accessible even in 64-bit Windows Vista
- stability improvement in aswTdi.sys (solved a compatibility problem with AVG)
- minor fixes in the GUI
- added Catalan and Belarusian language packs
AV-Comparatives 出了五月防毒軟件比較報告
AV-Comparatives 出了五月防毒軟件比較報告,這次測試只比較軟件的啟發式病毒偵查能力,所以不應用這測試結果來作為軟件全面防毒能力的排名。
Microsoft (59%)
AVIRA (53%)
得 Advanced 的有
Panda (63%, 不過較多FPs)
Avast (29%)
Microsoft (59%)
AVIRA (53%)
得 Advanced 的有
Panda (63%, 不過較多FPs)
Avast (29%)
教你如何減少 Comodo 防火牆 Defense + 的警示
Comodo 防火牆功能強大,雖然版本4已減少了很多警示,但還是有許多人特別是初用者都嫌它有太多的警示,有人建意關閉 Defense+ 功能,但這差不多廢了 Comodo 的防護能力,個人並不贊同。
其實 Comodo 本身也提供了下列一些方法幫你減少 Defense+ 的警示﹔
1. 我的安全檔案
Comodo 內建了一份安全檔案清單,執行在清單內的檔案時只會有極少的警示,因內建清單只包括一些較流行的程式,用戶可以自己在 Defense+ 的一般設定內,把常用的程式加到"我的安全檔案"清單中。若檔案有軟體商的數位憑證簽章,個人會建議用方法2,因這樣可讓 Comodo 識認更多安全檔案。
2. 我的信任軟體商
Comodo 也內建了一份信任軟體商清單,若檔案是有信任軟體商的數位憑證簽章,便會當為是安全的檔案,用戶同樣可以在 Defense+ 的一般設定內,把常用程式的軟體商加到"我的信任軟體商"清單中。
3. 使用"乾淨系統模式"
若你確定電腦現時沒有感染惡意程式(包括你已下載的安娤檔),你可以使用 Defense+ "乾淨系統模式",這樣現存硬碟上的所有程式都會視為安全的檔案,而 Defense+ 只會監視啟動"乾淨系統模式"後新安娤或下載的程式。
4. 暫時使用"學習模式"
若你的電腦一向沒有問題,你可以用 Defense+ "學習模式"幾天自動建立 Defense+ 的安全規則,再返回安全模式以減少警示,當然使用學習模式時會失去 Defense+ 的保護功能,所以我自己較喜歡啟用學習模式後隨即執行所有常用程式一次,然後立刻返回安全模式。
Comodo Internet Security 的一般使用教學可以參考以下連結
Comodo Internet Security V4(Anti-Virus,Firewall,HIPS)免費中文的防毒+防火牆+HIPS行為防護 (超詳細教學)
Comodo Internet Security 4.0 免費防毒防駭防火牆新版心得
其實 Comodo 本身也提供了下列一些方法幫你減少 Defense+ 的警示﹔
1. 我的安全檔案
Comodo 內建了一份安全檔案清單,執行在清單內的檔案時只會有極少的警示,因內建清單只包括一些較流行的程式,用戶可以自己在 Defense+ 的一般設定內,把常用的程式加到"我的安全檔案"清單中。若檔案有軟體商的數位憑證簽章,個人會建議用方法2,因這樣可讓 Comodo 識認更多安全檔案。
2. 我的信任軟體商
Comodo 也內建了一份信任軟體商清單,若檔案是有信任軟體商的數位憑證簽章,便會當為是安全的檔案,用戶同樣可以在 Defense+ 的一般設定內,把常用程式的軟體商加到"我的信任軟體商"清單中。
3. 使用"乾淨系統模式"
若你確定電腦現時沒有感染惡意程式(包括你已下載的安娤檔),你可以使用 Defense+ "乾淨系統模式",這樣現存硬碟上的所有程式都會視為安全的檔案,而 Defense+ 只會監視啟動"乾淨系統模式"後新安娤或下載的程式。
4. 暫時使用"學習模式"
若你的電腦一向沒有問題,你可以用 Defense+ "學習模式"幾天自動建立 Defense+ 的安全規則,再返回安全模式以減少警示,當然使用學習模式時會失去 Defense+ 的保護功能,所以我自己較喜歡啟用學習模式後隨即執行所有常用程式一次,然後立刻返回安全模式。
Comodo Internet Security 的一般使用教學可以參考以下連結
Comodo Internet Security V4(Anti-Virus,Firewall,HIPS)免費中文的防毒+防火牆+HIPS行為防護 (超詳細教學)
Comodo Internet Security 4.0 免費防毒防駭防火牆新版心得
2010年6月14日星期一 - 多重引擎的網址安全掃描網站
之前提過 Norton 與 McAfee 都有推出服務幫你檢查網站網址是否安全,現在 NoVirusThanks 公司提供了類似 的多引擎掃描服務網站 來幫您掃描檢查輸入的網址是否存在病毒。
按 "Scan Now" 便會出現掃描結果
自制 Comodo Internet Security 4 繁體中文語言包
CIS 4 最新版已沒有跟繁體中文介面,個人始終喜歡看繁體字,這是我自制的繁體中文語言包,因不想花太多時間,所以以簡體版本轉為繁體版作基礎,再修改成原3.XX繁體版的用詞,其實也不知有沒有省下時間,使用方法如下︰
1. 下載繁中語言包
2. 把語言包解壓,並把解壓後所有檔案(6個)抄到以下資料夾
C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\translations
3. 打開 CIS 介面並在語言選項下選擇 "中文(繁體) - By Community"
4. 重啟 CIS 便可看到繁中介面
Version 4 語言包下載頁面
CIS Version 5 中文化連結
CIS 5中文化語系檔案
CIS 5 台灣版--正體中文翻譯
1. 下載繁中語言包
2. 把語言包解壓,並把解壓後所有檔案(6個)抄到以下資料夾
C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\translations
3. 打開 CIS 介面並在語言選項下選擇 "中文(繁體) - By Community"
4. 重啟 CIS 便可看到繁中介面
Version 4 語言包下載頁面
CIS Version 5 中文化連結
CIS 5中文化語系檔案
CIS 5 台灣版--正體中文翻譯
Comodo Internet Security 4.1 推出
Comodo 的防火牆口碑一向不錯,除了一段短時間試用了其它防火牆,從2.4的純防火牆版開始便用到現在。
CIS 4.1 除了防火牆還包括防毒功能,曾經用過它的防毒但因出現不少問題而放棄使用。4.1 除去了 Hopsurf, Ask search thingy, Live PC support...等有爭議的可選附加軟件,而且也有不少 bug fixes。
4.0 及 3.x 的用戶會自動更新
What's New in COMODO Internet Security 4.1.149672.916?
COMODO Internet Security 4.1.149672.916 Released!
CIS 4.1 除了防火牆還包括防毒功能,曾經用過它的防毒但因出現不少問題而放棄使用。4.1 除去了 Hopsurf, Ask search thingy, Live PC support...等有爭議的可選附加軟件,而且也有不少 bug fixes。
4.0 及 3.x 的用戶會自動更新
What's New in COMODO Internet Security 4.1.149672.916?
- NEW! Sandbox button in elevated privilege alerts: Privilege elevation alerts now include a sandbox button to run installers in limited mode
- IMPROVED! Default security policy is modified so that outbound firewall connection alerts are shown for the unknown applications
- IMPROVED! Online Lookup: Defense+ now checks the applications online in real-time before automatically sandboxing them
- FIXED! The vulnerabilities related to certain hooks reported by
- FIXED! Incompatibility problems with many applications(e.g. HD Speed, Autocad etc)
- FIXED! Already submitted files can be submitted again under certain conditions
- FIXED! Defense+ does not show protected registry key modification alerts for sandbox applications in Windows XP 64
- FIXED! Windows System Restoration fails because of file sfi.dat
- FIXED! Cfp.exe freezes while showing real-time virus detection dialog
- FIXED! Antivirus crashes while scanning certain files
COMODO Internet Security 4.1.149672.916 Released!
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Free
前文提到的 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Free 是一套小巧的掃毒軟件,下載的安娤檔只要 6M 不到,但卻有不弱的偵測率,十分適合做傋用掃毒軟件。
Key Features
* Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).
* Light speed quick scanning.
* Ability to perform full scans for all drives.
* Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware protection module. (requires registration)
* Database updates released daily.
* Quarantine to hold threats and restore them at your convenience.
* Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module.
* Settings to enhance your Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware performance.
* A small list of extra utilities to help remove malware manually.
* Multi-lingual support.
* Works together with other anti-malware utilities.
* Command line support for quick scanning.
* Context menu integration to scan files on demand.
官網簡介Key Features
* Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).
* Light speed quick scanning.
* Ability to perform full scans for all drives.
* Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware protection module. (requires registration)
* Database updates released daily.
* Quarantine to hold threats and restore them at your convenience.
* Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module.
* Settings to enhance your Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware performance.
* A small list of extra utilities to help remove malware manually.
* Multi-lingual support.
* Works together with other anti-malware utilities.
* Command line support for quick scanning.
* Context menu integration to scan files on demand.
有人唔讚成同時在電腦上娤多套防毒軟件,對於一般用戶,我也是不讚成娤多套實時防毒軟件,因為這不單會拖慢電腦還有機會引起冲突,但是 (on-demand) 掃毒軟件便不同,它跟實時防毒有較少冲突也不會拖慢電腦,所以娤多一兩套掃毒軟件正好互補檢測率的不足。
Aivra Free (不娤實時防護)
MalwareBytes' AntiMalware
清理助手 3.1
Hitman Pro 3.5
Aivra Free (不娤實時防護)
MalwareBytes' AntiMalware
清理助手 3.1
Hitman Pro 3.5
通常免費軟件只包單一功能,如 Avast、Avira 只是防毒免費,若要連防火牆及上網安全防護等都要用收費的防護套娤,其實自己可以用不同免費軟件組合防護套娤,效能一點不比收費的差,以下是我自己的防護套娤組合︰
防病毒︰ Avast 5
防火牆︰ Comodo 4.0
上網安全私隠防護︰ Prevx SafeOnline 3.0, KeyScrambler Personal 2.6
Avast 5.0 更新至 5.0.545
Previx SafeOnline 上網安全軟件 (更新至
防截鍵軟件 KeyScrambler Personal
防病毒︰ Avast 5
防火牆︰ Comodo 4.0
上網安全私隠防護︰ Prevx SafeOnline 3.0, KeyScrambler Personal 2.6
Avast 5.0 更新至 5.0.545
Previx SafeOnline 上網安全軟件 (更新至
防截鍵軟件 KeyScrambler Personal
Windows Virtual PC
微軟自己的出品,好處是佔用資源較少,若是 Windows 7 的用家更可以不用 XP 安裝碟以 XP mode 建立虛擬的 XP 系統,而且跟主機系統有更強的整合,應用上更方便。壞處是效能是三者最差,更高的整合也可能會減少了安全性。
Virtual Box
效能上三者最好,之前不支援 Realtek 音效咭的問題在3.20新版上已經解決,雖然它使用上沒有其它兩個直觀要多一點點學習時間,但也不難,最好是可以直接使用原本以 Virtual PC 創建的 vhd 硬碟影像檔,不用再重新建立整個虛擬系統,所以現在也決定選用它。
VMware Player
效能上比 Virtual PC 好,介面使用上比 VirtualBox 直觀一點,也有更多附加功能,但看片沒有 Virtual Box 順,而且它會安娤四個開機自動啟動的服務項,所以較佔用資源。
Windows 7 可不需要硬件虛擬也可以用 Virtual PC
在 Windows 7 安裝 Windows Virtual PC
用 VirtualBox 虛擬電腦的一些小心得
Windows Virtual PC
微軟自己的出品,好處是佔用資源較少,若是 Windows 7 的用家更可以不用 XP 安裝碟以 XP mode 建立虛擬的 XP 系統,而且跟主機系統有更強的整合,應用上更方便。壞處是效能是三者最差,更高的整合也可能會減少了安全性。
Virtual Box
效能上三者最好,之前不支援 Realtek 音效咭的問題在3.20新版上已經解決,雖然它使用上沒有其它兩個直觀要多一點點學習時間,但也不難,最好是可以直接使用原本以 Virtual PC 創建的 vhd 硬碟影像檔,不用再重新建立整個虛擬系統,所以現在也決定選用它。
VMware Player
效能上比 Virtual PC 好,介面使用上比 VirtualBox 直觀一點,也有更多附加功能,但看片沒有 Virtual Box 順,而且它會安娤四個開機自動啟動的服務項,所以較佔用資源。
Windows 7 可不需要硬件虛擬也可以用 Virtual PC
在 Windows 7 安裝 Windows Virtual PC
用 VirtualBox 虛擬電腦的一些小心得
給 Internet Explorer 用的 Simple Adblock
Adblock Plus 是在 Firefox 流行的防廣告插件,無論比起 Firefox 或 IE 內建的防網上廣告功能都要强,Adblock Plus 的開發人已說明不會支援 IE,但最近在網上找到有其它人使用 Adblock Plus 的阻擋廣告清單 easylist 來制作用於 IE 的附加元件 Simple Adblock。
除了包括基本的 easylist 清單,它還支援本地化的 easylist China 清單及easylist privacy 清單,Simple Adblock 暫時只支援簡體中文,雖然同是使用 easylist,但應用上它的功能比 Adblock Plus 弱,不過也已足夠強化IE的防廣告能力。
Simple Adblock is an adblocker extension for Internet Explorer designed to make adblocking easy. Simple Adblock blocks all kinds of advertising from websites including flash ads, banner ads, rich media, slide-ins and fly-ins.
P.S. 現在這軟件好像已要收費,要免費的可以試試以下兩個
1. Adfender
2, 利用 IE 追蹤保護功能,下載 easylist 及 fanboy
除了包括基本的 easylist 清單,它還支援本地化的 easylist China 清單及easylist privacy 清單,Simple Adblock 暫時只支援簡體中文,雖然同是使用 easylist,但應用上它的功能比 Adblock Plus 弱,不過也已足夠強化IE的防廣告能力。
Simple Adblock is an adblocker extension for Internet Explorer designed to make adblocking easy. Simple Adblock blocks all kinds of advertising from websites including flash ads, banner ads, rich media, slide-ins and fly-ins.
P.S. 現在這軟件好像已要收費,要免費的可以試試以下兩個
1. Adfender
2, 利用 IE 追蹤保護功能,下載 easylist 及 fanboy
手動刪除病毒的幫手 PCLinuxOS Live CD
我自己就試過用 MBAM 掃毒軟件偵測到病毒但移除不了,或是不知為甚麽移除後還是再次偵測到,而且在 Windows 系統的檔案管理員又找不到病毒檔。
這時可以先抄下病毒檔的位置,再用 Linux Live CD 光碟開機,進入 Linux 系統後便可以用 Linux 內建的檔案管理員打開中毒的硬盤,這時許多在原 Windows 系統下隠藏了或受保護而不能刪除的檔案都可以看到及刪除,再到剛才抄下病毒檔的置刪除檔案便可。
建立 Linux Live CD 可以到以下網站下載 ISO image 檔,然後用這 image 檔燒錄成開機碟。
The KDE Desktop: a popular, multi-platform desktop environment for your computer and a great Windows OS replacement. KDE’s focus is ease of use, stability, and first-class internationalization and accessibility support. KDE is Free and Open Source Software and provides all of the common tools computer users expect of a modern computing environment, such as e-mail, web browsing, file management, multimedia, and games.
這時可以先抄下病毒檔的位置,再用 Linux Live CD 光碟開機,進入 Linux 系統後便可以用 Linux 內建的檔案管理員打開中毒的硬盤,這時許多在原 Windows 系統下隠藏了或受保護而不能刪除的檔案都可以看到及刪除,再到剛才抄下病毒檔的置刪除檔案便可。
建立 Linux Live CD 可以到以下網站下載 ISO image 檔,然後用這 image 檔燒錄成開機碟。
The KDE Desktop: a popular, multi-platform desktop environment for your computer and a great Windows OS replacement. KDE’s focus is ease of use, stability, and first-class internationalization and accessibility support. KDE is Free and Open Source Software and provides all of the common tools computer users expect of a modern computing environment, such as e-mail, web browsing, file management, multimedia, and games.
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 半綠色掃毒軟件
大廠出品,Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 的查殺能力不容忽視,說它是半綠色軟件是因為它要下載安娤檔,不過安娤後只要把整個安娤目錄抄到別處也可以執行,要留意 Removal Tool 會建立開機啟動項,退出程式時也會問是否同時反安娤程式。
Kaspersky® Virus Removal Tool does not provide resident protection for your computer. After disinfecting a computer, you are supposed to remove the tool and install a full version of antivirus software.
* Simplified interface.
* Can be installed to an infected computer (Safe Mode supported).
* Composite scan and disinfection system: signature detection and heuristic analyzer.
* Gathering system information and interactive creation of scripts for disinfection.
General functions:
* Automatic and manual removal of virus, Trojans and worms.
* Automatic and manual removal of Spyware and Adware modules.
* Automatic and manual removal of all types of rootkits.
Kaspersky® Virus Removal Tool does not provide resident protection for your computer. After disinfecting a computer, you are supposed to remove the tool and install a full version of antivirus software.
* Simplified interface.
* Can be installed to an infected computer (Safe Mode supported).
* Composite scan and disinfection system: signature detection and heuristic analyzer.
* Gathering system information and interactive creation of scripts for disinfection.
General functions:
* Automatic and manual removal of virus, Trojans and worms.
* Automatic and manual removal of Spyware and Adware modules.
* Automatic and manual removal of all types of rootkits.
Norman Malware Cleaner 綠色掃毒軟件
Norman 是二、三線的收費防毒軟件商,若是收費個人是不會用,但它有提供免費的綠色掃毒軟件,而且除了清理一般的病毒,也會全面清理有害的 ActiveX、瀏覽器插件、hosts file、機碼、視窗防火牆原則等,軟件下載後直接執行便可。
Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware). By downloading and running the program below it will clean an infected system completely:
* kill running processes that are infected
* remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
* reveal and remove rootkits
* restore correct registry values
* remove references created by malware in hosts file
* remove windows firewall rules for malicious programs
Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware). By downloading and running the program below it will clean an infected system completely:
* kill running processes that are infected
* remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
* reveal and remove rootkits
* restore correct registry values
* remove references created by malware in hosts file
* remove windows firewall rules for malicious programs
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