

除了防護能力,防護軟件對電腦效能的影响(卡唔卡機)也是很多人關心的問題,AV-Comparative 就做了一個相關的測試。

測試結果總覽(注意: XP 與 Win7 會有不同,報告內有更詳細比較)

報告網頁 Performance Test Security Suites(August 2010)


“AV-Test”最新測試結果(測試平台:Windows 7)


"对于杀毒软件的测试评议,由于不同测试机构掌握的尺度不同,最终结果肯定也会不大一致。就像《苏三起解》中崇公道所说:“你说你公道,我说我公道;公道 不公道,自有天知道”。我在这里不是宣传“虚无主义”,而是说:各有各的道理,都具参考价值。换句常说的话就是:它评它的,仅供参考;你用你的,好用就行。...

“AV-Test”最新测试结果(测试平台:Windows 7):
产品      防护积分    修复积分   性能积分    综合得分   认证结果
Kaspersky   5.0         5.5        5.5         16.0      通过
Norton      5.5         5.0        5.5         16.0      通过
Panda       5.5         5.5        5.0         16.0      通过
F-Secure    5.0         5.0        5.5         15.5      通过
AVG         5.5         4.0        5.0         14.5      通过
BitDefender 4.5         4.0        5.5         14.0      通过
MSE         4.0         4.5        5.5         14.0      通过
Avira       4.0         5.5        4.0         13.5      通过
Eset        3.5         5.0        5.0         13.5      通过
PC Tools    5.0         4.5        3.5         13.0      通过
Avast       3.5         4.0        5.0         12.5      通过
Webroot     3.5         4.5        4.0         12.0      通过
McAfee      5.0         2.0        3.5         10.5     未通过
Norman      2.0         4.5        3.5         10.0     未通过"


Comodo Internet Security 5 beta (更新至 5.0.158836.107)

Comodo 推出 CIS 5(或稱 CIS 2011)測試版,試用了一下,介面作出了較大改變,但主要操作方法沒有太大改變,舊用戶應該不難適應。


COMODO Internet Security 5.0.158836.1079 Released!


NEW! Heuristic command-line processing of certain applications: Non-PE executables e.g. Scripts,
Java apps, MS installer files, are now handled by Defense+.
NEW! Ability to add a file to trusted files from sandbox notification
NEW! Ability to clear logs reintroduced
FIXED! After initial install, windows hangs in welcome screen
FIXED! Firewall does not filter windows broadband compatible modems
FIXED! BSOD in windows 7 while uninstalling CIS
FIXED! Sandbox alert shows XML code instead of proper dialog
FIXED! AV crashes while doing spyware scanning
FIXED! Isolated application does not appear in unrecongnized files list
FIXED! cfp.exe crashes randomly

There are many other fixes in this version that i havent included here.



之前也有介紹可牛殺毒,昨天終於推出了正式版,正式版上加入了下載防護及更多専殺工具,也通過了 VB100 最新八月的測試。

個人覺得可牛是簡化了的"卡巴+金山衛士+網盾"的混合體,較其它免費殺軟最大的分別是包含較多的上網防護功能,如防網頁掛馬、防釣魚網站、瀏覽器保護、瀏覽器修復等,並內建専殺工具下載。(註:修復漏洞只適用於簡體 Windows)



専殺工具 MSN Virus Remover (更新到 5.03)

MSN Virus Remover 能查殺 MSN 病毒及 USB Autorun 病毒,不用安裝,只要下載執行便可,不過個人在 Windows 7 上執行會出現問題,要設定以 Windows XP SP3 相容模式執行才可完成掃描。


更新到 ver. 5.03 (8 Aug 2010)


USBCleaner U盤病毒專殺 (更新)

USBCleaner 是一隻綠色的U盤病毒專殺工具,下載後直接執行便可。

U盤病毒又稱 Autorun 病毒,是通過 AutoRun.inf 文件使對方所有的硬盤完全共享或中木馬的病毒。U盤,移動硬盤,存儲卡等移動存儲設備的普及,U盤病毒也之泛濫起來。近日,國家計算機病毒處理中心布公告稱U盤已成為病毒和惡意木馬程序散播的主要途徑。

USBCleaner 是一種純綠色的輔助殺毒工具,支持簡體與繁體語言系,獨有的分類查殺引擎具有檢測查殺470餘種U盤病毒,U盤病毒廣譜掃描,U盤病毒免疫,修復顯示隱藏文件及系文件,安全卸載移動盤盤符等功能,全方位一體化修復殺除U盤病毒。同時 USBCleaner 能迅速對新出現的U盤病毒進行處理。

更新到 V6.0Build20100429 (2010年4月29日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100521 (2010年5月21日)
更新到 V6.0Build20100728 (2010年7月28日)


Comodo Internet Security 5 beta 推出

Comodo 推出 CIS 5(或稱 CIS 2011)測試版,試用了一下,介面作出了較大改變,但主要操作方法沒有太大改變,舊用戶應該不難適應。


COMODO Internet Security 5.0.156985.1061 BETA Released


NEW! Application Whitelisting
CIS 5.x fills the missing links that its predecessors had in this area by providing a usable application white list control.

NEW! Spyware Scanner and improved malware cleaning
CIS 5.x again fulfills the missing features of its predecessors by providing a new spyware scanner which is capable of scanning the windows registry and file system.

Note: We will be releasing the signatures for spyware scanning during the course of BETA testing. So you might not immeidately see this in action. i.e. next monday

NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
CIS 5.x has integrated the cloud based computation everywhere. From on-demand scanning to process execution control, it checks if the file is known in the cloud.

NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
Instant malware analysis has been introduced to CIS 5.x making detection of unknown malware possible! Any unknown file that is sandboxed and NOT observed by COMODO before is submitted to CAMAS and results are sent to the PC in 15 minutes after the upload process is done.

NEW! Game Mode
Now CIS has a game mode. Just before you start to play a game, you can switch to game mode and all the alerts will be suppressed. Virus database updates or schedules scans will also be postponed.

IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
Unlike CIS 4.x, CIS 5.x, by default, automatically runs every unknown executable as "Partially Limited", which is a new level introduced with CIS 5.x.

IMPROVED! A New User Interface!
You will be seeing a lot of suprises with the new user interface. It is friendlier, easier and prettier.